Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Hey Guys...I have a problem with this Banner Requesting situation. I am getting really pissed right now because a certain someone keeps harassing me over and over for a Banner that I was supposed to make. I only agreed to make the banner yesterday and the certain someone told me, "I need the banner today!!!" and "Are you almost finished??" and this was NOT the only time this happened. The certain someone requested already and did this same nonsense. Some people fail to realize that I have other things to do with my life and I make these banners in MY own spear time and I make it for FREE! I DO NOT GET PAID for making these banners. I decided to make banners as a Favor to my visitors and people do like i must do the banner. I do not have to do the banner but I do it! So please STOP IT! Stop harassing and nagging me for the banners. You will have to wait a week for the most and I hardly even take so long. You can only ask me if ONE WEEK has passed and that doesn't mean harass me and nag me. So please chill out. I don't even think I am going to make the banner because I am so pissed off at that person right now. Oh...also I sometimes don't even get a THANK YOU for my banners. If this continues I will close the Banner Requests.


Alex said...

if i was you
i wouldnt even bother making it for him
screw him.
if he wants it so mad then he should make it himself
but please just ignore him