Friday, February 8, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates! There's just nothing much to post these days. I'll see what I can do. Mean while I am updating the Video Archive with lots of videos like all the Phineas and Ferb episodes and lots of music videos etc. It is private for now so please give me some time to open it. Lots of videos will be already posted when it's opened so stay tuned for that. I also am making plans for the layout for March and I am thinking of using Cascada because I have lots of great ideas with her. I will have a poll to see if you guys really want the 'WIN A LAYOUT CONTEST' because I haven't gotten any responses to that and I don't want to waste time. I lost the inspiration with the Best of Both Worlds theme so if I get enough votes for the contest then I will add another poll to see who it will feature. Stay tuned to Fallen Media Forever for these updates!